Monday, March 12, 2012


I am in a Lenten Slump.

I decided to do two things for Lent:
  1. Give up excessive television - still doing that just fine. Actually enjoying it. Actually have not had much time to miss it.
  2. Read through Story of a Soul, read the Teresas, and blog - failing at that. 
I let myself get too busy last week, and my reading fell off. My husband and I did not spend an evening togther until Friday, and even then we had another kid over to spend the night. Although this particular kid is like another son to me, so it wasn't like it was a burden -  but by Friday, I had really fallen into the habit of NOT reading, and found it hard to make myself do it.

And it shows.

Reading the Teresas is really making me focus on God's will. On surrendering to the moment, on letting God lead me by step, by not worrying (as much) about all I have no accomplished with my life.

I need to get re-committed and back on track. I will let this lapse teach me how much I AM learning through this.

Ironically, last week my Mother Teresa readings were all about having moments of silence in life, in order to regroup and to hear God. And I did not have one..single...quiet...moment - not one, all week long.

Onwards and upwards!

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